We Are One

Everything on Earth is a hyperbole, because it is gravity that brings everything back to the source.

Hyperbolic trajectories are the way in which our Universe expands locally, in time, away from the source, and then back to the new present position of the source.

Hyperbolic trajectories is also how we grow: away from our childhood’s experiences, places, thoughts, behaviors, and then back to those with a new awareness.

We have urbanized, industrialized, overcivilized, overused, and abused, the planet and its children, and now we get back to the origin but with a new awareness.

Hyperbolic trajectories are fundamental ways of learning, because staying in the same place doesn’t allow us to discover, on our own skin, and by experience, what it means to go away, what it means to drift, to lose our way, to lose our identity, to get lost.

But once up there, in the highest point of the trajectory, we finally see, and from there we awaken to a new consciousness, and we become capable of building a new world, a better world for everyone.

I have recently discovered how useful music can be as an adjuvant for our growth. Music, notes, songs, lyrics, emotions, are vibrational frequencies, as much as our thoughts, our identity, our soul, and everything we are, is. I have therefore discovered this incredible song, written in Ethiopian Oromo language from the tribe living in the Haweya Forest, which recites as following:

“I am calling out to my people, my community

Come gather around me

I am asking for your attention

Listen to what I have to say

I want to share with you a message of hope

Let us come together and overcome our struggles

I call upon the wisdom of our ancestors

May their guidance lead us towards a brighter future

Let us unite as one people

Together we are stronger

We must work towards a common goal

To achieve a better world for ourselves and generations to come”

[SOURCE: https://sonichits.com/video/Alonso_del_Rio/Yana_Haweyo#google_vignette]

I find this song incredible not just for the lyrics but for the alignment of the lyrics with the meaning of the song and its music. It is like a perfectly crafted gem in which everything is aligned, logical, and consistent. When listening to it, I can truly tune into the frequency of the desire and capability of building a better world for everyone. I am the maker, we all are, we just have to awaken to that power.

I hope listening to it will allow you to do that.

Just open your heart, and listen.

You can find the song here: Yana Haweyo by the incredible and inspiring Alonso del Rio.



Embrace Your Function
