Empaths are the leaders of the New Earth, but, because of that, they have been constantly persecuted through history, and still today. Empaths are born with a higher resolution on reality, and with the inner need and inborn capability to reach peace and unity for all, through compassionate, egoless, and empathetic leadership in every field.
Empaths are individuals capable of loving unconditionally, therefore they have the inner reassurance that loving people exist, and the trustworthy and fearless attitude necessary to see the world through a hopeful lense.
Many empaths, as myself, don’t know they are empaths until someone tells them they are. Nonetheless, we all face the same experiences and circumstances, we all overcome the same obstacles, we all find the same challenges and fight the same battles, since the day we are born.
Because we are so rare in the population, less than 1%, we have been easy to isolate, to persecute, to kill, to marginalize, and the result is the world we have to day: a place ruled by madness where the leaders who could and would do the best for the collectiveness have been made powerless, and where the population has been trained to recognize egoic fanatics as leaders, and empathetic leaders as fanatics. We are in the world that crucified Jesus for awakening to the truth. This is the world every awakened empath still faces today.
We must awaken, the world needs us. It has become imperative that all empaths finally embody their purpose to lead the world towards a brighter future for everyone.
The ego has reached its peak, and now it is time for a counterwave of healing, to finally eradicate it from humanity.
I offer guidance, mentoring, and coaching, to all empaths, so that we can finally create the better world people need.
All born empaths go through trauma, are not born from it. Only empaths can understand what other empaths go through, because being an empath is a genetic characteristic that provides us with a higher resolution on reality, and with a more accurate perception of society, relationships, and events. This makes us become targets of systematic narcissistic abuse, becoming victims of persecution from the ego in others, and from the collective ego itself. Healing from the trauma that they cause to us is the first step towards awakening.
Awakening from the trauma, from the gaslighting, from the systemic indoctrination and from all the trainings we receive, meant to make us forget the reality, the truth, that we perceive more clearly than everyone else, is the next step. Once the journey starts, awakening is inevitable, but it may take years, decades, months. It all depends on the guidance we receive, on how much pain we suffer, on our resilience, on our motivation to continue despite the challenges and obstacles posed on our way. The journey is inevitable, it is up to you to decide when you’ll start, but the end is always the same: peace.
Everyone of us has different characteristics, potentials, history, cards to play in this big game called life. Everyone can make specific moves and help the world become a better one. Empaths are physiologically uncapable of not embodying their purpose, and that’s why they are victims of persecution. Once you heal, and you’ll awaken, you’ll finally be able to embody your purpose fully and successfully. Having guidance is fundamental to learn from other’s mistakes, and to avoid fighting the wrong battles systematically posed on your way by the ego itself.