TradeLove is a community project meant to help switch the balance of hate and love on our planet, by increasing the input of love and decreasing the input of hate in the system we inhabit.

We all love doing certain things and hate doing certain others. Doing what we love makes us happy, and results in putting love in the system. Once we make something with love, that love is stored in the object we are making and is received by those who touch, see, taste, use or eat, what we made. If we perform an action with love, those who receive that action benefit from it, and their wellbeing rewards us for making them feel good.

Exchanging love is not just beautiful, but it is desirable from a health, spiritual, and quantum physical standpoint. We are what we give, and we become what we receive, and what goes around comes around.

Imagine a world in which everyone of us does what they love, and, when they hate doing something, they ask someone else who loves doing that to do that for them, in exchange for doing something they love doing instead. Imagine a world where you will never have to do what you hate doing, but you will still be living in abundance despite avoiding doing things you hate? Only love would be going around, and coming around. We all would be much happier, healthier, and richer in a way that money could not define. Sounds like a utopia, but it’s a pretty simple task instead. We just must start.

Instead, what do we have going around today? What are we giving? What are we receiving?

Our current society is based on hate: from mass animal farming to call centers, hate is what governments and corporations put in the system, and hate is what we receive, what we breathe, what we eat, and what we ultimately exchange with one another. We work for corporations and pay taxes to governments, taking part in the system with love and passion, and we are manipulated, abused, or oppressed, to the point of hating our job, of hating our tasks, of hating our institutions, of putting frustration in everything we touch, use, produce, and sell. However, because we don’t have an outlet to disperse that hate towards those who give us hate from the top of our societal and corporate hierarchy, we disperse that hate through the only other outlet we have: our families, our customers, our colleagues, our friends, the things we make, the services we provide, the people we interact with, and ultimately ourselves.

But we can reject that hate, and we must indeed.

I was born and raised in a rural society in Calabria, the tip toe of the Italian boot, where people would constantly give to one another, trading things they loved to make, or goods they had in abundance and therefore loved to donate, or services they loved to provide, with things and services they lacked, needed, or simply loved to receive. I have been a witness of miracles: people with very little resources, in extreme financial poverty, were constantly content, happy, satisfied, at peace, surrounded by a constant abundance in every sense, away from the fear of homelessness and helplessness, surrounded by people who loved them and took care of them in the most beautiful way, all things that allowed them to maintain an abundance mentality and fearless mindset even in times of scarcity, during and after the loss of beloved ones, during health and sickness, close to death, during time of losses, or in times of political and social crisis. No money were involved in the exchange, what they were trading was the only currency we can sustainably use: love.

I have therefore decided to launch the TradeLove project, but I can’t do it alone. This project requires a shift in our mindset in order to stick, put roots, and grow, and it cannot therefore be done in any other way than as a community.

TradeLove cannot be just a catchy name, because love is made of time, effort, and attention, that must be dedicated by all of us to prioritize the increase of love in our system. Love cannot be replaced with any other surrogate, because doing so would defeat the entire purpose of this project, sabotaging it from effectively reaching its objective. Therefore TradeLove is not my project, it is OURS. We must give love to this project as if we were watering a plant we would love to see in its majestic full self. Giving love is the only way of making things grow sustainably, of building a fertile and abundant environment, and in that abundance we will then be living. But we must first plant the seed, water it, give it love, and make it grow. It doesn’t take much, it only takes some love.

We are what we give, and we become what we receive. Let’s give and receive LOVE.


The purpose of this project is to propel the wave of love to raise above hate, but understanding the difference between love and hate is fundamental, because love and hate can look very similar on the surface. We live in a society that teaches people to dissimulate their real intentions, their true self, teaching them to acquire behaviors that look like love and compassion, therefore helping people who put hate in the system to mask it as love.

Love is simple. Love is the ultimate truth. Love is genuine. Love is authentic. Love does not need fancy words or gestures. Love does not need to be politically correct. Love sometimes is yelling a truth in someone’s face, and sometimes is patiently waiting for them to realize their truth on their own. But Love does not need to ego-feed others, to walk on egg shells. Love does not need dissimulation of one’s emotions. Love does not need to pretend compassion. Love is fearless. Love is confidence. Love is empathy. Love is presence. Love is.

Instead, hate pretends to be. Hate ego feeds. Hate lies. Hate is careful. Hate is fearful. Hate masks insecurity under excessive confidence. Hate smiles with anger, cries while lying, stays quite while planning on revenge.

Hate is a massive black hole. Love is an eternal star.

Hate is unsustainable and finite. Love is sustainable and infinite.

In the universe there’s nothing else than pure love, or pure hate, pure healing and pure trauma. Pure love, the brightest, most joyful and compassionate white light, can be diluted, corrupt, by the darkest darkness of hate. But the grey that emerges is not love any longer, is not healing any longer, it is trauma instead, it is, although mildly, hate. There is a fine line between love and hate, but, because we live in a world that is traumatized, in a universe that is healing but is not healed yet, most of us are somewhat traumatized, most of us are hateful. In a society that does not accept hate, that does not want to see trauma, that tries to hide every mirror to avoid seeing its own darkness, peole have learned to dissimulate hate masking it as love. Because that happens from our families to our schools to our society as a whole, that creates associations between the idea of love that we have and people and behaviors that are hate instead. All that generates a grey area that is simply a reflection of the attempts to use love as a mask while hiding hate underneath. The grey areas are just the result of the gaslighting we receive from those who want to pretend to give us love, and instead give us hate. As a result, we tend to place in the “box” labelled as love behaviors that are hateful, people who don’t love us at all and who hate us instead, and that leads to cognitive dissonance, PTSD, and to the spreading of their trauma. to us, in the form of a disconnection from our intuition. Hate has been the protagonist of the 20th century, and of most of our history, because hate is simply the trauma that travels in our universe through time, and that pushes us to awaken to consciousness, so that waves of love can raise and bloom. But we are the hands, the feet, the minds, the bodies, the voices, that constitute those waves. Let’s make the wave of Love raise. 

TradeLove entails the exchange of what someone loves to do, make, or loves to donate because has it in abundance, and that someone else lacks, needs, or simply loves to receive, with what someone else loves to do, make, or has in abundance. 

Things you love to do can be services you love to provide, things you are good at and you love to do.

Things you love to make can be baked goods, clothes, or other handcrafted items.

Things you love to donate because you have those in abundance can be produce from your garden, or eggs from your chickens, or clothes.

Doing what you love makes you feel good. Doing what you hate drains you, disorients you, forces you to find an outlet to dissipate the negative energy you have received, complaining with others about what you’re doing, or even talking about it in a seemingly positive way to mask the fact that you deeply hate it but feel obliged by social norms to pretend to love it.

Loving to receive something makes you feel good, understood, taken care of. Receiving things you hate makes you feel frustrated, dissatisfied, unhappy, lonely.

Love is the word, and therefore there are items that cannot be exchanged and behaviors that are forbidden. Those who break the rules of the community will be banned forever from it.

Love is the currency in TRADELOVE. Hate is what we will be avoiding by principle.

But some people are very good at dissimulating hate packaging it as “love”. Those who have deep unresolved trauma nurture the sadistic pleasure of forcing others to pretend they love what they are receiving while giving them things that are not loving and are instead hateful. Things that are not love but look like it may be:

  • items that are not in good condition or that the other person may need to get rid of by unloading them on you, giving to you the responsibility of getting rid of them

  • services that the other person has the qualifications to provide but that hates performing

  • items that the other person has in abundance but that are not usable or edible, or that need to be tediously processed in order to become usable or edible, and therefore represent a burden that is being unloaded on you and do not provide you any good (there may be exceptions, such as veggies that need to be cleaned before eating them, but you love cleaning veggies)

  • things the other person is not good at doing, or things that appear valuable but are not, and that therefore give you the burden of pretending to love them and of finding the solution elsewhere

  • things that send hate towards other people (such as gossiping or badmouthing others behind their back, or giving you something with the purpose of making it unavailable to others)

  • items trading which is part of a hidden agenda and not an unconditional gesture of love

Trading items that are not love but look like it is forbidden.

Other items that cannot be traded:

  • money as a form of currency to pay for the exchange (money can also be a collection of coins, which would in that case be allowed)

  • services you are good at doing but you don’t enjoy, or fully hate, doing (such as tasks you do for your daily job or you can provide based on your titles and education)

  • items you know how to hand craft but you don’t enjoy making

  • food you know how to cook but you don’t enjoy cooking

  • things you are not good at making, or services you are not good at or that do not provide effective solutions to the problem they are supposed to solve, or things you have in abundance that do no provide a benefit and that perhaps create a problem to those who receive them (such as clothes that are not in good conditions, or produce that is not edible or rotten, or items that need to be further processed in order to be usable). The reason for this rule is that those items and services would not give love to the receiver, but frustration, and therefore would increase hate instead of increasing love

  • illegal substances and services, unless they are provided in a legal fashion

  • sexual favors

  • escort favors (example: be the plus one at a wedding to upset an ex partner)

  • pornography, child pornography

  • anything that gives a problem instead of a solution

  • anything that could result in harming someone

Forbidden behaviors:

  • bargaining: trying to get things for the lowest possible value on your end is not an act of love. Others have to be more than happy to receive what you want and have to give in exchange for what they love to give

  • exchanging things with people who knowingly plan on selling them: TradeLove is not the place for people who re-sell items or services of value to make a profit (like jewelries, or a highly valuable professional advice)

  • trading between adults and minors: minors can only trade items with minors, adults can only trade items with adults

TRADELOVE is a community in which all members list what they love doing, what they love receiving, what they lack or need, and what area they live in.

The community is built via Facebook groups: a main one, TRADELOVE, and local groups for major world’s cities.

Participation in the project and membership are based on invite only.

Becoming a member requires:

  • the full acceptance of the rules here explained and further explained in a video that all interested members are requested to watch before being enrolled

  • dedicating 1 hour per month to take care of the project (inviting others to join, monitoring the Facebook groups, moderating, improving the project, proposing ideas, or do anything that the project needs at that time). Hours don’t roll over: every month members are required to dedicate one hour to TRADELOVE no matter what, and every month is always just one hour.

  • be available to donate 1 item per month to the project if necessary (such as professional services, but only if required by the project at that time). Donations do not roll over and every month only 1 potential donation is required.

If you have been invited to become a member, please proceed by filling out the form below this section.