Embrace Your Function
Everyone of us has a specific function in the Universe, in our immediate communities, as much as in our global world.
However, society channels us into paths that nothing have to do with our inborn function, and are instead just ways to make us into chess pieces, useful to perpetuate a system that depends on job roles, employees, customers, consumers, taxpayers, patients, and so on. So, despite we are born with our own role and function, as soon as we start growing we also start being channeled towards a spot that the system we live in needs for us to fill.
This creates unsurmountable pain and suffering in our world. From one side, it forces people to drift from their true self, and it delays the time in which they can finally embody their highest self. That’s the reason why many go through a mid-life crisis, develop pathologies, and undergo cycles of toxic relationships. From another side, it perpetuates a nonsensical toxic system that has been created by the ego a long time ago, and that is still led and perpetuated by egoic individuals who are disconnected from their own highest self, and are instead just tools of their ego, of their reptilian brain (the amygdala, the basal ganglia, the fight or flight mode, their addictions, their dependencies, their toxic habits, and so on).
Indeed, the reptilian brain, which is the most primitive part of our brain, and is located in the inner part of the skull, is where habits, fear, the survival mode, and the ego, reside. On the other hand, the cortex, which is the most evolved part of our brain, surrounds the reptilian brain. However, the cortex takes longer to develop, and it also is more prone to atrophy, as indeed stress easily turns off the cortex while activating the fight or flight mode and the reptilian brain. When the reptilian brain is on, the cortex is off. So, the more the reptilian brain is on, the lesser we use and develop our cortex, the more we are driven by our fight or flight mode, by our triggers, by our fears, by our addictions, and the lesser are the chances to awaken to reality. To add some more, the constant activation of the reptilian brain also erases memory, so, people who are driven by their fight or flight mode are just like hamsters on a wheel who constantly follow cyclical patterns without being capable of remembering that they have been there before, they have done that before, that this has happened to them before, and that every day the same patterns repeat themselves.
We’ve got to a point in which the masses are being systematically kept under stress and in fear, so that they never awaken and are constantly driven by their fight or flight mode, while their cortex is constantly turned off to the point of becoming atrophied. So, people become unaware, unconscious, irrational consumers, parents, employees, taxpayers, disconnected and unhealthy - aka patients.
We live in a toxic cycle that self-perpetuates, as in a positive feedback loop, that grows as a tumor, withdrawing resources from what really matters to channel those into vessels that feed the tumor itself. Indeed, our whole world is a reflection of how the basal ganglia and habits work: the more you do something, the more the basal ganglia grow, the more they take control over your lifestyle and time, the more you become a reflection of your habits and of your basal ganglia. Basically, while you believe you’re being the willful protagonist of your life, you and your body just become the tool that your basal ganglia use to grow.
So, the first step to embody your function in the world is turning off your reptilian brain, getting back to reality, getting back to your true self, and starting a journey towards your highest self.
Contact me to know how. First consultation is free.