the human fractal



Traumas are, how I like to call them, “ideas that stick in our brain and that keep us stuck”, triggering the fight or flight mode, fundamental for the ego to take the lead, keeping us unconscious. An example of ideas that stick and that keep us stuck is “I am not safe”. When such an idea is seeded in your mind, no matter what you will do in your life, where you will get, how much money you’ll earn, that idea will not change, nor your feeling of safety will. What is all the money in the world worth if you don’t feel safe, ever?

Traumas shape our mind, creating a human being whose behavior is consistent with those ideas.

As a certain seed gives rise to a certain plant, traumas are the seed which creates our personality, determining what we achieve in life, what we don’t, how we move, how we talk, how we walk, whether we excel in school, whether we are rebellious, what we love, what we hate, what we attract, what we repulse, what we seek. Everything.

Despite we believe the behaviors arising from the trauma are aimed at creating a beliefs system meant to preserve us, by activating our fight or flight mode those ideas are instead not meant for our survival.

What do I mean?

Everything we do in the fight or flight mode is just a way to preserve our genes, not ourselves as individuals. If an animal is put in a corner by a predator, its fight or flight mode turns on, and the animal just screams, makes a noise, giving the alarm for others to save themselves from the danger. Making noise is not the best choice for the animal itself, but it’s the best choice to preserve its specie, so its genes. We have not evolved the fight or flight mode as single individuals, but as a specie, and therefore its mechanisms are not meant to protect us as individuals, but our specie, not to protect the planet, but our genes, not to free us from danger, but to rise a red flag for others to avoid falling in the same trap we are in.

Everything we do when we are guided by our fight or flight mode is raising a red flag, even when we don’t realize it. Even the most strategic humans, by strategizing while believing they’re sneakily climbing the ladder of society to find a safe spot, are just raising a red flag. Most can’t see that, because the red flag is not on their heads, but it rises as a giant red flag on the collective ego they are part of. And that’s what is happening today to our world, that’s why people are finally beginning to awaken: that huge red flag.

There’s no escape from trauma, nor there’s such thing as “free will” until we awaken. Until then, we’re just puppets, in the hands of our fight or flight mode.

Traumas are just ideas, seeded in our mind at some point in life - sometimes so early that we have no recollection of when that happened, nor we can access any memories to guide us through. Because of their traumatic nature, our brain tends to hide our traumas from us, and so the only visible sign of the trauma are our actions and reactions to the world, as if an invisible coachman would be whipping the horses leading our body to guide us in a direction that only the coachman is aware of.


Our Universe, and everything in it, is a fractal.

A fractal is the repetition of the same mathematical function over and over and over. The same function gives rise always to the same fractal, to the same shape, and so to every specific shape corresponds a specific function, the seed of the fractal. We are fractals in every way: we are the repetition of the expression of the DNA contained in the fertilized oocyte that we once were, our biological seed, for billions of times, from the moment we have been conceived to the moment of our maximum point in growth. Our skin, our surface, is the final layer of the expression of that seed, is the shape of our fractal. Two people with the same DNA and raised in the same exact conditions will be identical.

Because of their nature, traumas function as seeds for a fractal: the idea that sticks, the coachman, always repeats the same action over and over, always whips the horses in the same exact way, because the trauma results in a very specific goal, such as escaping from danger or giving the alarm: THAT is our psychological seed. Therefore, our actions, the direction the horses take, are consistent with the goals, with the fears, that the trauma has secretly set for us, and ultimately result in riding a path that has a very specific shape, and a specific direction, and therefore leads to a specific place.

As a seed gives rise to a plant, and by looking at the plant we can understand what kind of seed it arose from, as a mathematical function creates a certain fractal, and by looking at it we can understand the function that originated it, a trauma as well creates the human being that we are, our multidimensional shape, and by looking, with no filters, objectively, and plainly, at the multidimensional shape that we are, we can understand what trauma our shape came from, and how to move from there to solve those traumas and awaken to consciousness. Despite many point at meditation to awaken to consciousness, reality is that resolving our trauma is an absolutely necessary first step to be able to reach consciousness. Without that we are stuck in our fight or flight mode, and we are uncapable of understanding even the best spiritual guides and masters.


A few years ago I have awakened to reality, beginning to heal my traumas by discovering the seed of my fractal. I had been through a series of very toxic relationships, an extremely traumatic childhood, and I had been gaslit from the day I was born. But before that moment, I had been blind, and unaware of any of it.

I was in extreme pain, my love relationship was going very badly, I was trying to solve our problems in every possible way but nothing seemed to work. I was discussing with my partner every day, trying to figure out how to heal our relationship, applying the incredible problem solving skills that I had gained through over a decade of scientific studies and academic research. I was so obsessed with finding the problem, and the solution to it, that I had even began studying psychology on my own. One day, I must have finally said the right thing to him, I must have touched the right spot, and, there, I saw that: reality. After years of trying to fix our relationship going through the most horrific fights, uncapable of understanding why I couldn’t rationally get to solve our problems, my partner showed me his real face, and I realized he had created all our issues himself, and had been purposely sabotaging every one of my attempts to fix our relationship. That reality had been in front of my eyes from day 1, and my mind had completely screened me from it. How was that possible? The guy had a great career, friends who loved him, a huge network of colleagues and dear old time acquaintances. How could no one see the truth?

In that specific moment, I had my awakening. My mind underwent a domino effect: I had discovered the seed of the fractal, so my mind finally understood itself and uncovered its own most obscure places, those that had been hidden and masked and sugarcoated leading to create a pink screen distorting my perception of reality, not allowing me to have control over my life, because uncapable of understanding the world and how it functioned. Everything just suddenly fell into place, the curtain disappeared, and with it my brain fog and my cognitive dissonance.

From then on the world had been different for me. Awakening to reality is a weird thing: there’s no way back. Seeing the truth had a domino effect and quickly destroyed all the filters that my fight or flight mode, my traumas, had built, and that had not allowed me to see the truth until then.

Since then my intuition – which had been confused by the gaslighting I had received, from the world, from my family, and from my own mind, in the attempt to protect me, but resulting in hiding my own trauma, and therefore reality, from my own self – grew stronger every day. I began perceiving the plain truth: no filters, no curtains, just reality, all the time, everywhere. I couldn’t hide from it even if I wanted to.

After that experience I have started a spiritual journey, reconnecting with my spiritual side and with the Universe as a whole. It took me years of work to get back to my true self, but once the trip starts the journey is only one and awakening is inevitable. Through that journey I have ultimately reached the Kundalini awakening, becoming a guide for others and finally embodying my purpose in the world.

I have changed and evolved so much that it’s almost as if I have gone through a rebirth.

I believe everyone of us is capable of seeing the truth and free ourselves from our ego, from our own lies, from the false reality we see, that doesn’t allow us to reach happiness nor to get control over the outcomes of our actions. But all of us need to see the seed first, the trauma that is keeping them stuck, for the mind to undergo the domino effect that truly will change our life forever.

My awakening gave me what many WOULD consider a rare gift:

I can perceive people’s shape, their fractal, and, from that, understand their trauma, the ONLY TRUE seed of ALL their problems, and help them heal from it.

When that started, I had the instinct of telling people what I saw, knowing that was the source of all their sufferings and the key to reach freedom. I initially tried to tell people the truth without anyone asking for it, finding myself being rejected by their fear of facing reality. Many don’t want to know the truth, and constantly attempt to escape from it - as if one could ever escape from oneself.

And so I stopped, with the result that I would find myself being aware of people’s trauma in silence, forced to watch them suffer, stuck in their hamster wheel, in their own personal limbo, without hope to see the light. That led me to isolate, to avoid the pain, feeling their suffering, knowing the solution but not being allowed to free them.

I even initially refused to consider it as a gift, fearful of labels that I don’t find mine and that represent an anti-scientific view of what intuition is: intuition is just our brain doing the math, realigning with the Universal physical laws. There’s nothing more mathematically accurate and scientific than intuition indeed.

From the day of my awakening to reality, I have spent a long time healing myself, relearning reality one bit at a time, as if I was feeding a kid with a little spoon, teaching her to walk in a room that now had a new shape, new corners, new floors, new furniture, new reference points. I had to undo a lot, to resist to the temptation of seeking vengeance or looking for validation, and many other forms of unconsciousness, and I had to learn how to go back to consciousness when I would come out of it, when I would drift. I had to let go of my ego, and to learn to recognize it when it would re-activate, continuously keep it on check, so that I could rejoin the consciousness of the whole, and become one again. This journey is not exclusive, it is not only mine, nor it is for a few elected individuals, it is everyone’s journey. You need to join too.

I have spent a long time healing and evolving, and now I realize that I was getting ready for this moment, to offer my gift to you.

If you want to discover your seed, click on the button below.