Just Be You
We're different for a reason, because each one of us, whether we are aware of it or not, has a purpose.
The function changes throughout our lifetime because our current society doesn't allow us to embody our purpose fully from the day we are born, and so we drift and fall and get out of track, embodying purposes we're not aware of and that we carry out unconsciously, and that contribute to awaken our community from the abusive circumstances in which we all are.
But, ultimately, our purpose is to find our higher purpose and to align with it, aligning our present actions with the future plant we are supposed to become.
As well as a tree does since the time of being a seed, we all just do the same thing one present moment after the other - i.e. being ourselves - and the result is that we become our full self, the highest form we can become, the tree that the seed was supposed to become since the beginning, and that it already was as a potential.
So, at any given time, what we need to do is just ‘be ourselves”. There's nothing else to do. Things will unfold in time.
An immune cell doesn’t know of being an immune cell, it just does what comes natural for it, and as a result it kills pathogens and tumors.
A leaf doesn’t know what its purpose is, but by being itself it captures the energy irradiated from the sun and it transforms it into matter that the tree uses to grow, it allows the water to evaporate through its pores and so to be pulled by capillarity from the roots up, it creates shade for the roots, and so on.
It takes time for a cell to become its full self and embody its full function, and that process is called maturation. Despite human beings are all separate from one another, they have legs to walk, and believe of being alone, they are the Earth as much as a tree and a rock are, and they have a function as much as a cell in our body does, as much as bees do, and as much as trees, fungi, and so on.
I have described it fully is this video, released a year ago, and to which I'm coming back right now because it is as relevant as it was at that time.
Be ourselves means to embody our reward system fully, and, once we feel like it's too tight for us, that we have overgrown it, then it's time to move to our next function, and then the next, in a continuous evolution towards universal awakening.