The importance of shining our light bright

I can’t say I had an easy life, but I also make sure to dedicate some time every day to think about others who had it worse than me. There are women dying for showing their hair somewhere in the world right now. There are women being raped while I’m writing this post. There are women carrying their kids throughout the desert at this very moment, running away from the horrific conditions that the exploitation of their Countries at the hands of the western world has caused, and moving towards Countries that they perceive as safer, and that instead hide more abuse, racism, discrimination, hate, and often death due to extreme poverty and marginalization.

So, there are definitely millions of people that had way worse situations that what I personally had to face in my life, although it’s still under the same umbrella: women are literally being persecuted worldwide, and not just today, but they have been persecuted for millennia. The strategies change based on the historical time, on the Countries they’re in, based on what the laws allow, but in the end is always the same story. There’s a lot of hate in the world, and lots of hate carriers roaming around pouring that hate onto others.

But what’s the solution to all that?

Although I don’t feel like I’m truly privileged right now, I most definitely have more power than those women, and so after all I went through my instinct has always been to use whatever minor power I may have in the best way I can to make the world better for them too, by fighting injustice on my own path, by only pouring good energy in the world, fixing problems, providing solutions, spreading awareness, defending those that can’t defend themselves. It might take time to see the effects, and may not be major effects, but there’s people right now doing bad things, pouring bad energies, creating injustice, persecuting virtuous individuals and those who try to make the world a better place, so, even the slightest form of good is better than nothing, even just withdrawing from this sick game is better than becoming a part of it.

Before going through all the adversities I have been placed through in the past years I had dreams, and a mission, to do good things, to make the world better than how I found it, for you, for me, for everyone, even those who don’t understand that what goes around comes around and that polluting the world they live in will just get themselves sick too at some point in time.

I love writing and I realized that I have written a number of books, fully finished, and I ended up not publishing any, because the stress and all the situations women are continuously put through so negatively impact their life and well-being, interrupting whatever plan they had, that the result is that our entire lives are interrupted, and all the good we would bring to the world finds no outlet to express itself, resulting in shifting the balance towards the bad in the world, that grows every day and it’s becoming a cancer that will soon swallow us all.

Well, all that pain I had to go through made me awaken from all the suffering and from the brain atrophy PTSD causes and contributed to make me reach a spiritual awakening that I didn’t believe possible, and ultimately got me to writing a book that, this time, I have decided to publish, no matter what: The Fractal Universe & the theory of everything.

The Fractal Universe has just been published on Amazon, it’s illustrated and it provides an integrative view on how the Universe works, encompassing various branches of science, and including biology, psychology, sociology, and spirituality, in a beautiful view that finally transforms everything into the expression of the love that we are made of, and that surrounds us. The theory of everything contained in the book also explains why pain and suffering are so much part of your human existence, but still something to be overcome in order to awaken to the consciousness of the whole, to the oneness.

Strangely, I now begun reading about Hinduism and Yoga and I realized that several of my perceptions perfectly overlap with philosophies thousands of years old, but that science never takes into account and considers non-scientific.

Well, I believe those philosophies, because I can now perceive the Universe in same way that spiritual masters have described for centuries.

I ensure you it’ll be a great read, and you’ll certainly enjoy all the pictures and schemes I included in the book, but feel free to let me know what you think!

You can buy it by clicking on this link (it’ll just take you to its Amazon page):


Science is just the first step