Science is just the first step
Pain is a great catalyzer for our awakening to consciousness.
In the past years, the crazy situations I had to deal with ultimately forced my brain to awaken from trauma, from the brain atrophy in which abuses take us, and I’ve finally began seeing the full picture, and that science is just the first step in knowledge.
What do I mean by that?
When I began realizing how much narcissistic abuse has become just a general way of establishing relationships, making money, gaining wealth, building companies, running businesses, climbing the ladder of society, and overall ruling our society, I began seeing how academia is just another one of those fields.
The environment in which academics work, and are raised in, is extremely hostile and predatory, and justifies abuses of power and extremely toxic situations, to the point of forcing scientists to develop a Stockholm syndrome with the very system they are part of, with the very abusers they come across and work for. The more your boss is abusive, the more challenging your career is, the more hours you’re asked to spend in the lab without getting paid overtime, the lesser you’re paid, the more you work, the lesser you’re valued, the more you’re undervalued, all become trophies, to be displayed among colleagues and peers. This is crazy, and, other than being toxic, nothing good can come from an environment that has those values at its basis.
Indeed, because of that, and despite it shouldn’t be so, the great majority of scientists strongly refuse anything that is not data and demonstrable hypothesis, provable things, touchable realities, and intuition is left aside as a minor, unimportant, and overall non-empirical side of themselves, because that’s the only way to avoid seeing the abuse they’re put through, and of realizing they’re victims too.
Trauma screens us from trauma, forcing us into a fantastic reality where everything that happens to us is normal, because on the side of the truth there’s also pain, the pain of seeing ourselves as victims.
I must be honest, in every one of my awakening moments, if I wasn’t a scientist, if I didn’t have all the knowledge that I had and my analytical mind developed through decades of studies, I would have never been able to awaken as fast as I did, and to comprehend so deeply every phenomenon I came across, nor to step back from pre-existing axioms and theories that I didn’t find accurate, allowing myself to observe and perceive the plain truth with my own eyes and mind instead of blindly accepting conclusions and descriptions of the world that I didn’t resonate with nor I perceived as accurate.
However, in the process of discovering how the world works, how people function, how our society is built and where our current world will lead us if we don’t change it on time, I found myself having to realize that my scientific side could only take me this far, and that, as a caterpillar gotten to the point of its metamorphosis, only abandoning the “caterpillarness” would allow me to proceed. Together with my inner scientist, the scientific community - which the scientist in me was nothing else than a reflection - revealed its own limitations. The great majority of academics and scientists I would interact with were stuck in their scientific mind, in their caterpillarness, uncapable of reconnecting to the very essence of the only existing truth: their own intuition, their own consciousness.
From physical communities, to groups on social media like Facebook or Reddit, scientific communities seemed to be uncapable of moving past their own limits, their own comfort zone, to fully evolve and reach the next step in their own necessary and inevitable evolution, just out of stubbornness, and of an extremely ingrained sense of superiority that finds its worst and unfortunately very common expression in attacking anyone who tries to even display, explain, and suggest, different perspectives, no matter how compassionate and kind that person may be while doing so.
Don’t get me wrong, I don’t believe I own the absolute truth, and I too was one of those scientists who refuses anything that is not the result of a scientific experiment, but, as much as in a plant leaf all vessels ultimately lead to the pores, when it comes to our awakening and spiritual evolution, it is not a matter of right or wrong: there is only one journey, all journeys lead to the same place: awakening.
I feel like the best way of explaining this is something probably all of you can resonate with, as I feel like is part of everyone’s life experience. In my life I found myself having to change surroundings several times in order to evolve, having to face the hard truth that many I would meet along the path were just slower than me at making the same steps, may those be evolving from a rural reality to a metropolitan awareness, advancing in education, achieving career goals, getting out of national borders and cultural upbringings, genuinely discovering new cultures bonding with people from different nationalities and social classes, and so on. Every time I would feel that the next step was the inevitable evolution I was meant to follow, and that I was bound to go through, and every time I would feel that many others around me weren’t ready instead, or were simply already at the end of their own journey, while I wasn’t, I wasn’t at all, and I could feel it.
Similarly, when I felt that the necessary and inevitable next step was awakening from my own ego, trauma, from our societal conditionings, towards a consciousness of the oneness, raising above the need for data and empirical proves of it, and having to recognize that deeply perceiving that we are one, we are the whole, requires no proves at all, I found the scientific community uncapable of getting out of its own way. And the reason for that is the ego, it truly is, an ego that is fed by social status and easily traps people in a hamster wheel they become slaves of, believing it’s freeing them instead.
I finally understood why Eckhart Tolle among others have written so much about the ego describing it as the main cause of every source of suffering in our society and in our human experience.
And so, despite science partly explains our physical reality, I also realized that it is only the first step, the backbone of knowledge, the first steps of the ladder, useful to reach the next step faster, to understand how the universe and how we work better, to build a more solid awareness, to close the circle with a theory that includes everything, but it is not the full ladder, it does not explain the big picture, and, as everything that is just a step, getting stuck there is a mistake and keeps us just one step away from reaching our next level in consciousness, in a limbo many consider the only reality that exists, but that it is instead just another cave, another cage, that we need to get out of, to see the rest of the world we haven’t experienced yet.
If you find yourself stuck in this reality as well, feel free to contact me for guidance. Peace is the present you’ll get.
If you want to explore the universe that I perceive, I highly suggest you to read my latest book: The Fractal Universe & the theory of everything.