I am a child of the Earth born and raised in the Italian village where the Mediterranean diet was discovered. I learned to cook with my grandma, to make olive oil and wine with my grandpa, while farming with my family, learning to make everything from scratch and in sync with nature’s seasons and cycles. I then lived in Rome and in Los Angeles where I studied and worked as a research scientist, becoming a Doctor Biologist. I now use my 15 years of international scientific research experience to help people heal in a holistic way from stress and trauma related psychosomatic illnesses - which are the majority of human pathologies - through diet and healing activities, by reshaping their lifestyle and relationships, and by helping them heal and reconnect to their energy body and to their spiritual and divine self. I am an ego death facilitator expert in trauma, egoic dysfunctions, and PTSD, a kundalini awakened spiritual guide, and an NLP certified coach. I practice kundalini tantra, shamanic and herbal medicine, aromatherapy, sound healing, and conscious hiking, as means to reactivate, unlock, and heal our chakras, reconnect with our energy body, reach the ego death, reconnect with the divine, reactivate our cortical brain, hijack our fight or flight mode, and reach higher states of consciousness for a healthier and more loving world freed from suffering. I am a psychic and a medium, and I channel energy, which allows me to find the root cause of people’s problems, what keeps them stuck, their blind spots, and guide them towards awakening and healing. I am a medicine woman and I serve shamanic medicine. I have developed a unique 360 Holistic Method that allows me to use my intuition and psychic abilities, and a plethora of healing modalities, to help people heal the root cause of their problems and reach the ego death.
Discover more about me in the “About me” section of this website, and about my gift at the Discover Your Seed page.
Dr Annunziata Nancy Crupi, PhD
founder and Supreme Spiritual Leader of The Church of Truth: a Holistic Christian Spiritual Church
Discover the trauma or the belief system that is keeping you stuck, and heal thanks to my customized messages and affirmations, my advice, my energy healing, and my guidance.
COST: $150
WHAT’S INCLUDED: an in person meeting including a conversation, an immersive sound bath using a pyramid triangle (necessary for the reading), chakra reading, a final healing session where we will practice energy healing on your chakras and I will provide you with customized affirmations and guidance on the next steps. The duration of the session may vary but is around 1 hour and a half. Go to the Discover Your Seed page to learn more about my Gift. Go to the About me page to read the reviews to my services.
The session is usually indoor.
Disclaimer: I am an intuitive healer and I often customize this service based on my reading of what your real needs are.
If a plant doesn’t bloom, you don’t fix the plant, you fix the soil. That’s how the Universe works, that’s how nature works, but humans have forgotten. Decide to consciously grow in the adult tree you are meant to become, to find your purpose and align it with your actions, to bloom, attract abundance, and consciously heal, by modifying your environment, your lifestyle, your diet, your surroundings, your relationships, your inner world, your thoughts, how your brain is wired, your triggers, the areas of your brain that you use, realigning with the universal forces, and much more.
COST: entirely customizeable
WHAT’S INCLUDED: an initial assessment, my unique 360 Holistic Method, discounted attendance to my Events & Classes.
Learn to embody your highest self with weekly or beweekly coaching sessions, taking advantage of my holistic background (see page About Me to learn more about my background). You can request a regular coaching or a specific type of coaching based on your personality type and your circumstances. Discover some of the types of coaching I offer exploring the section “Coaching” in the main menu of this website.
COST: $100 per 1 hour session, in person or virtual
WHAT’S INCLUDED: 1 hour session, homework assignments for the time between the sessions, nutrition advice, psychic readings or meditations or neurolinguistic programming and hypnotherapy practices used as needed (performed during and as part of the 1 hour session).
Our body and mind can only do what the food we eat allows. Read it again.
Don’t be upset or angry at yourself nor at your circumstances if your body can’t sustain your pace, if it gets triggered by stress and situations, goes into depression, doesn’t let you achieve the goals you set for yourself. Your body can only do what your diet allows. If you poison it, if you don’t give to your body the nutrients it needs to perform the activities and actions you require of it, nothing will get done. At the same time, if you are disconnected from your body, you won’t receive nor understand its messages, its cravings for nutrients, its requests for medicinal food. My nutritional coachig will help you reconnect with your body to make it become your best ally, instead of another insurmontoble obstacle to deal with. Invest in your health.
COST: $300/month
WHAT’S INCLUDED: weekly virtual dietary advice, monthly virtual educational workshops on diet, food, nutrients, and how different foods affects our energy, biweekly virtual cooking classes on how to cook healthy but delicious food, kundalini tantra excercises to reactivate your Manipura chakra.
Kambo is an ancient tribal remedy to many human illnesses. Tribes in the Amazon and Shamans around the world have used and use Kambo to rescue metabolic disorders, to help people recover from addictions, to cure cancer, to boost the immune system and cure infections, to heal psychosomatic illnesses and chronic pathologies, and much more. Kambo is a mixture of 114 peptides produced and secreted by the frog Phyllomedusa bicolor (aka Giant leaf frog) that elicits several physiological effects.
Kambo has been scientifically proven to provide long lasting remarkable spiritual experiences, it may trigger the ego death, it appears to help with healing from PTSD and compulsive behaviors, and overall to promote a better mind-body-spirit connection, and to allow a re-connection with the Divine and Holy side of the Universe.
My Kambo palettes are ethically harvested and blessed by the Matses tribe of the Peruvian Amazon.
The cost varies based on the need for repeated treatments.
Cost for 1 session: $200
Duration: 1 hour
Read what scientists discovered that Kambo users think about their Kambo experience.
Hapé (Rapé) is the preparation of powdered medicinal herbs, often with a tobacco base. Hapé is typically made with mapacho (sacred tobacco) and other herbs with medicinal properties, counting a variety of combinations used for different conditions and life circumstances.
The powdered snuff is administered through the nose. The practice of consuming powdered plant medicines through the nose is very ancient. In Europe, herbal snuff was introduced by the doctor and botanist Francisco Hernández de Boncalo in 1577 and inhaling snuff became fashionable among the European aristocracy and was mainly used to treat headache.
Today, indigenous tribes in the Amazon basin continue to use hapé in all aspects of life, from formal ritual use in rites of puberty, initiation, cashiri social gatherings and healing ceremonies, to simply tuning into Nature and the healing power of sacred plant medicines.
The ritual of serving Hapé includes:
- evaluation of the best choice of Hapé for your circumstances
- powerful energy and sound healing to aid and enhance the effects of the medicine
Energy exchange: $50
Duration: ~30 min
Source: re-adapted from natural-medicine.co