The butterfly & the warrior
Since I was a child, I have always been an advocate, a protector of the oppressed, and a leader, while also being creative, kind, compassionate, curious, loving, empathetic, and happy. While growing up these two sides of myself, that I call the Butterfly and the Warrior, never integrated in just one. As a 5-year-old I would already firmly advocate for black people, despite being in a remote village in the south of Italy where seeing non-white people was rare. As a teenager I would advocate for women’s rights. As a college student I have participated in several political movements and organizations, directly contributing to bring a little taste of democracy in a Country, Italy, that is, as many others, a covert oligarchy (from Latin: when a bunch of people secretly lead behind closed doors, while pretending that the population has the power).
I’ve always been outstandingly intuitive, and with time I have discovered of being a psychic indeed, and at the same time I am an empath and an ENFJ (the Myers Briggs personality meant to lead society, the same personality type of Nelson Mandela, Mother Theresa, and Barack Obama). This mix of traits from one side allows me to truly see what’s going on in the world, to fully see the truth many can’t even get a grasp on, and from another side doesn’t allow me to ignore that often the truth I discover is that others are being abused and exploited via brainwashing and manipulations. Indeed, as an empath and a leader I can’t ignore others’ pain, I have the inner need of healing the world, and I have the wellbeing of the collectiveness as a priority.
In a society led by imposters, predators, narcissists – all words used by psychologists to define what in spirituality we call unconsciousness – who have brainwashed and farmed the population for thousands of years and killed all those who would awaken, people like me end up becoming whistleblowers often misunderstood by those who they are trying to help, and persecuted by those whose abuses they’re blowing the whistle about.
After 15 years of academic research experience, and after 38 years as a leader alpha woman, I have realized how patriarchal, misogynistic, and fraudulent, our society, science, and the healthcare system, truly are. In 38 years I have witness, being victim of, and blown the whistle about: fraud, tax frauds, data frauds, research misconducts, sex, gender, geographical origin, ancestry, marital status, and religion based discriminations, sexual assault, stalking, human trafficking of highly educated professionals used to defraud and exploit the collectiveness, theft, vandalism, intellectual property theft, misappropriation of trade secrets, torture, slavery, persecution, and many other severe wrongdoings. However, the lower level of the hierarchy in the scientific world is made by individuals selected for them to lack intuition, or to be dependent on their employer for visa and employment, or to be weak or cowards or fearful or blackmailable. This allows predators and politicians to use science as a way to exploit the consumers and control the masses, but because this protocol is understood only by a handful of people in the world, and because corporations have a whole line of corrupt lawyers, judges, and private arbitration institutions ready to bury these cases, the truth never comes out, and the population hands up being more ill every day.
After a lifetime of witnessing abuses against the masses, perpetrated by international organizations led by Aryan men discriminating others using Nazi-like schemes, the warrior in me has finally understood that we cannot step back, that we must fight. When the wound starts spreading, we must shine light on it and heal it before it becomes a deep rotten hole, but it all starts from the understanding that the wound is not our natural state, that those things that I have witnessed and gone through are not and should not be the norm, that we must blow the whistle and use the justice system and every other tool in our possession to force the wound to shrink until a crust is the only sign that remains of it, and before it falls off.
Meanwhile that I fight for our rights, I am also healing the world allowing my butterfly side to shine my light bright, through my coaching practice, my books, my healing events, my retreats, the We Are One Community, the TRADE LOVE Project, the New Earth Podcast, acts of service for the community, the Conscious Healthcare Project, and much more.
I am ultimately fighting for you, and, especially as a scientist and as a spiritual guide, it is my responsibility and my duty to do so for those who do not have the knowledge to understand what scientists, politicians, and corporations, are really doing in the healthcare system, as well as what communities advertised as “spiritual” or “religious”, and individuals advertising themselves as “good people and reference models”, are actually doing against women and against the community.
But there is too much to do for one person alone. I am dedicating my life to my mission and I am sacrificing any spared time, but, despite everyday many like me fight to uncover the abuses perpetrated against the collectiveness, we all need help, so that people like me can also dedicate time to shine their light bright on the world, while being forced to fight back against the abuses we are victims of and we discover. Whistleblowers are a very small percentage of the population, but are absolutely essential for our survival, and cannot save us without support from their community.
This is not a fight that I can possibly win on my own, and I shouldn’t have to either. If you think that what I am doing is useful to you and your beloved ones, support my mission with a donation.
Adopt a Warrior
Make a donation to support my mission of making the world a better place by blowing the whistle on abuses perpetrated against the collectiveness, by fighting against those who make the world a worse place, by healing their victims and our community.